Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two Angels from Heaven

My two beautiful nieces!! How sweet huh! My sister had her sweet little girl Lily on 02/05/10. I am very envious of her! One day I will have my own little family, but until then I will just spoil these two.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Hole...

Here is an update on my new townhouse:
So everyone thought I was crazy for asking them to cut a hole in my wall... I could picture what I wanted and I thought it would open up the place and add character... So here it is. I love it and I guess I am the one that has to live with it so that is good.
Going into my townhouse today finally made me excited about it. They were laying the padding for the carpet and it finally hit home that I am going to have my own place!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Getting Started...

I decided I would start a blog to try and stay in better contact with my Best Friend Lyndsey. I miss her so much and we both seem to have such crazy lifes that it is hard to find time to get together. She tried facebook for awhile and I figure I owe it to her to try the blog thing out. So bare with me as I learn the rounds of blogger.